Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy 23rd to Daddy!

Happy 23rd birthday to my hunny-bunny bear Joshua! Me, Lubby, Pappoo, Aunt Sarah-bug, and of course Daddy went to lunch at Pueblo to celebrate. They of course sang to Josh and dolled his face all up... it was funny, but scary to rilyn! She started crying! She didnt want them touching her Daddy! Oh, and did I mention ROBIN had to bring up us having Rilyn a baby brother!?... She said something about Cooper being the name... I guess shes been thinking long and hard about this... Truthfully, as much as she talks about it I beginning to think this hooker knows!! Shes starting to play mind games with us... the more she talks about it, the more it makes us want to tell! Her little evil tricks are starting to work on Josh. He called me and said "lets tell them tonight!" It was right then that I knew....... Shes trying to make us tell. She doesn't think we can keep secrets.. but guess what?! We can! HA! Try your Hocus Pocus on someone else Robin Long!