Thursday, August 25, 2016

Meet the teacher gifts.

You know it's a new school year by the ... fresh pencils,  wrinkle-free new school clothes,  backpacks that don't look like they lined the bottom of a chicken coop?

You know the feeling us moms have? Laying out the kid's clothes the night before, packing wholesome fresh lunches- complete with a handwritten note, the home cooked breakfast that don't come from the toaster...

I'm just not there yet.

Here we are ,day 3, and it's kind of a miracle my kids are even going to school. 

 For example, you should of seen us at meet-the-teacher. We literally ran (okay, maybe not ran... I don't run). We brisk-walked into the school 8 minutes before it was over.  Our school supplies shoved into walmart bags that we literally tossed into their class rooms like grenades as we randomly shook their new teacher's hand. And because of our tardiness  (and my lack of preparation) CJ's bag of school supplies also included a package of his new school underwear. 

He wasn't too happy about this. 

Which is probably why he got caught trying to catch a snake at recess the first day of school. I imagine he was planning some major revenge with that. 

Thankfully he didn't succeed. 

Yeah.... unfortunately it's going to take me a while to get on my A-game this year. I blame Ryker. 

Man, that 4th kid is kicking my butt.

BUT! I did, however,  by the grace of God, manage to throw together these super cute "Meet the Teacher Gifts".

(Don't tell anyone but, I literally made these in the car on the way to meet the teacher, ssssh!!!)

If anyone asks,  it took hours to make these super-cute-really-expensive-handmade-one- of-a-kind-gifts. 

I'm not asking you to lie..... 

Okay,  actually, I am, K?