Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fall Home Tour! 2017

It's not much, but we are feeling a little like  Fall over here in the Long House.

I found this print online, printed it, aged it with tea, and framed it!

Its the perfect rustic/farmhouse Fall print for my from porch!

You'd probably never guess I picked this giant wreath up at a resale shop for $2!

It was covered in the ugliest flowers but it was FULL of greenery so I snatched it! After I removed the flowers (all but the orange ones) I added pumpkins and tons of fall leaves! I finished it with a metal welcome tag I ripped from another sign I wasn't using.

Our media cabinet is dressed up with a "Give Thanks" sign I bought at Dollar General and some faux pumpkins I picked up at Wal-Mart for $1 each! #score

My island centerpiece is a farmhouse style basket hot glued to a stone candle holder I picked up at a garage sale! I filled it with greenery balls, leaves, pinecones, acorns, and pumpkins.

 Here is the rest of how I sprinkled Fall around my house:

Happy Fall Y'all!