Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Super easy last minute Valentine idea!

It's no secret hat we are totally last minuters (if there's even such a word).

 If something has to be done chances are we're working extra hard the day before to get it done... Or sometimes the hour before.

Today we threw together this last-minute (and super cheap!)  Valentine card for Raigen's class!

 And it's no surprise that it had to be softball themed!

And what do you know, five years ago we we're working on the same sort of Valentine's card for my mother-in-law! 

This still has to be my favorite card to date!

Haha, you suck Lubby..... there have never been more true words spoken 😉

And of course I couldn't leave the teachers out!

All I have left to do is attach a Sonic gift card to the back and they are good to go!

 So easy!