Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Hangry Roxie Update #8

You can read more of my weight loss updates here, update 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  &  7.

Ryker's 3rd Birthday (June 2018)    VS      Ryker's 2nd Birthday (June 2017)

Those that see me on a regular basis probably aren't seeing much of a difference in  my weight loss. 

Or to them, like me, it seems like it is VERY slow. 

Ya'll, I am so glad I have progress pictures to reflect on BECAUSE LOSING WEIGHT IT TAKING A LOT LONGER THAN I THOUGHT. 

And, honestly, I would of completely given up by now.

I don't feel like I've lost much, because I really haven't,  (I am only down about 50lbs)

People say I look like I've lost more, but I am working out regularly (and the scale isn't moving very much) so I am just telling myself that I must be building muscle. (Not sure how accurate that is, but that's what I'm going along with, ha!)

Now much of an update- but just wanted to let you know I'm still on my journey to get healthy (most days, haha!)

My #1 question people ask me is "What are you doing?"

Aside from working out I try to stay low carb and just make healthier choices- that's it. 

I will try to do more updates regularly. 

Thanks for reading!