Monday, October 15, 2018


Let me tell about this super delicious EASY roast recipe!
If you've followed any of my recipes at all you know I only deal with easy recipes. I am not one to get home after working all dang day and pull 17 items out of my pantry to whip something good for my family up. #nope
So, over the years I have mastered semi-home cooked meals! HA!
This one is packed FULL of flavor and super-duper easy!
Here is what you'll need:
  • A roast.

  • One packet of Au Jus Gravy.

  • Two packs of l Brown Gravy mix

Seriously how easy is that!?
Here's what I do-
I add my roast to my crockpot and liberally season both sides with these seasonings:

After my roast is seasoned I mix all three of  my gravy packets in a separate bowl with 4 cups of water and pour it over the roast and simmer it on low for 5-6 hours.
Now, when I get home I add a can of green beans and carrots (drained of course).
I prefer to cook this with fresh veggies, but lets be real... I don't always have them on hand.
And cook for a bout 15 more minutes and its done!
This roast and gravy is SO good over rice!!!
I purposely omitted potatoes so I can serve it over rice because some times you just need to switch things up, right?!  :)
I also serve it with cornbread, too.... because #carbsarelife