Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Today I am going to share some fun things we have on our Summer Fun List for 2019.
Josh and I both work full time so we try not to take off too much in the summer. We definetly want to save our vacation days for upcoming trips we have planned. :)
that my kids are getting older, our summer calendar fills up fast.  All three big kids are signed up for church camp plus, throw in our summer vacation, CJ, Ryker, and Josh's birthdays, VBS,  travel softball  and before we know it, its time to get back in to the school routine!  Yikes.
1. Ride Bikes.
This makes the list because honestly during our normal busy week we don't have much time for this fun activity, but now that the kids are home all day with my parents, they will have plenty of time to ride their bikes.
2. Go get Snow Cones!
We have a new shaved ice place in our town and I think it would be a fun summer tradition to make a weekly stop there!
3.  Our annual Arkansas Trip!
We have been visiting  this gorgeous swimming hole for the past two summers and we LOVE it! We cant wait to go back.

4. Celebrate Ryker's 4th birthday- prehistoric style!
5. Celebrate CJ's 11th birthday!
He is requesting a guys day again this year! He wants to invite some of his best buds an head to Urban Air! Easy-peasy! I'm kind of sad though... I tried to talk him into a big pool party but he said no. #iwantapoolparty :)

 See CJ- wasn't that pool party SO fun!
(And look how CUTE and LITTLE he is!!)
6.  Make homemade ice cream! Sounds fun, huh?
Here is our homemade ice cream recipe, HERE!
7.  Lunch at the park!
8.  Go to the movies!
9.  Lots of swimming!
10.  Fun crafts!  This doesn't have to be elaborate expensive crafts either.  I bought the girls fabric markers (from Ross for $1.99) and white shirts (from Dollar Tree!!!)  to decorate and they are loving that. I also bought Rilyn fabric, rubber bands, and fabric glue and she's been making scrunchies! So fun! I have a few more fun craft stuff planned so be on the lookout for that!
11.  Game night (s)
We already do this frequently but during the summer we will do this A LOT! I ordered some new games from Amazon to surprise the kids with so they will be excited about that.
12. Take a day off of work and head to an indoor water park!
13. Host an outdoor movie night for our friends!
14.  Visit the library. Josh took the kids already a couple of times and they LOVED getting to browse the books and pick one out to take home.
15. Church VBS!
16. Visit our local Rock Shop!
17.  Kids cook dinner one night! They will do everything from planning, shopping, to cooking! This should be fun! HA!
18.  Visit an Escape Room. I feel my kids are a little young for this but they have been begging to do one! So we are surprising them!
19. Visit the new Peppa Pig play center in Dallas!
20.  Make a lemonade/sweet tea stand!
I hope we have given you some fun ideas!
What do you have planned?