Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dining room turned modern farmhouse inspired playroom. {Before & After}

I never in a million years thought I'd be giving up my dining room and turning it into a PLAYROOM. And all for this little butthole who screamed for 30 minutes straight in Hobby Lobby (while trying to claw my eyes out) because he wanted a firetruck that THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE.

But, it's turning out cute... and he's cute. So there.

  I LOVED having a separate dining space, but the truth is we never used it.

So.... when we moved back into our house I knew I needed to turn it into a play room for Ryker. After all, he is home ALL DAY LONG, since my Dad comes over and watches him for us. The kid really does need his own place to play. And I love that its centralized and I can keep an eye on him when I am cooking. I am one of those people that constantly worry about their kid if they are playing and I can't see them at all times, especially since he's only one.


And here it is, the semi-finished playroom:

I had a lot of fun ideas for this room, but in the end I like that it has an open clean look. It could use a rug and window treatments, but I probably wont ever add them, I think like it without.

If you know me, you know I did this for NEXT TO NOTHING. Most everything was from a garage sale, second hand, or just super cheap! My MIL picked up the super cute 'share your toys' sign at a garage sale for me and it matches perfect! Like most MIL's she doesn't usually make the best (or cutest) decisions when it comes to picking out stuff for.... anything, but she did a great job this time. I am actually a lil' proud of her.
Oh, quit whining, I AM KIDDING, ROBIN. Sorta.

I plan on using my cricut and adding numbers 1,2,3, and 4 to the clipboards. I picked this oil drip pan up at the tire center at Walmart for $12 and used it as a magnetic board for him! I have no idea what the thing is that's holding the books on the wall is, I picked it up at a garage sale for .25 cents! #yeah

I picked this farmhouse lookin-ish basket up at Goodwill for $3!!!!

 Now, these metal bins I did pay full price for, but I LOVE THEM! AND they were only $8 each at Walmart! I also plan on getting some more use out of them when I host parties, so I justified getting them. :)

We may be the only playroom in the history of playrooms to have a toddler toilet, but we are potty training and WHATEVER WORKS!

I found the wood/metal 6 at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $3! I got this black recliner on a facebook-yardsale group for $10!

I am loving how it is turning out. I still have a few  more projects that you will probably notice, (like the solid white canvas hanging up!:)) and in time I'll finish those but you can get the idea of what we are going for, a modern farmhouse look!

Oh, and the cutest thing of all:

And if you are wondering how I keep his playroom so clean, the secret is...............


Let them be little. Let them make a mess. And find joy in every single second of it, because you never know just how fast time flies until you have kids.