Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heres an update for ya..

I'm now at 30 weeks, yay.

You'd 'think' by now people would be able to tell I'm pregnant, hell, I wobble like a penguin, and I look like I could pop any day!! WELL obviously not. I was at a restaurant eating, and saw an acquaintance of mine. Shes is totally lucky that I was on the phone because she came walking at me and said " Dang girl, when you gain all that weight??".. And YES the biotch was serious. AND by the way I was standing up at the time. So there was no excuse of, oh... I couldn't tell you were sitting down..... She had a genuinely confused/concerned look on her face. (Like, she was thinking, what happened Roxie, your even fatter than before!) She was just puzzled! I was on the phone, so I motioned that I was expecting. She looked and said ... " Your pregnant??" With the same confused look......
I felt like kicking her teeth out. If my leg could reach that high, I prolly would of. lol. After I got off the phone and thought about it .... I was cracking up. Like, who says that to people?..Didn't her mama teach her manners?...