Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Garden!

All the credit goes to Josh for this!

He is a gardening machine! :) He and Rilyn started with dirt and seeds and ended up with this!

Our okra and collard greens...

Our corn...

Our jalapenos...

Our tomato's....  although they arnt  looking too good right now we have gotten at least 10-12 tomatoes from this little baby.

We didn't anticipate our garden to do this good. Next year we plan to do a much bigger one now that we have the hang of things. :)

Rilyn LOVES our garden! She just wishes we had a little fence around it, she said. LOL

She said " Mom, take a picture of me and the cilantro!" lol It is actually basil.

Real women garden in heels! :)


Daddy watering the garden and Raigen playing in the water. In heels ofcourse!

I have to admit.. the whole garden thing... not my thing. I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with the HEAT and DIRT... who knows. A garden also requires a lot of attention which I don't care to give it either. I'd rather just wait until it looks lush and pretty like this and then take all the credit for it. ;)

Last night Josh cooked  collard greens from our garden and they were good! I always thought I didn't like greens. They tasted a lot like spinach and they were yummy!  We also have already made fresh salsa all from our garden too. Yay! I feel so pioneer-y. If there is such a word.