Saturday, December 30, 2017

Our last family picture of 2017!

And our FIRST time taking professional family pictures as a family of 6!

And it only took two years! HA!

Today, other than confirming my on going suspicion that our family is the most adorable family on the planet, I also came to the realization that professional family pictures are both over rate and entirely too stressful, i.e. coordinating outfits.

Before I ever attempt that task again I need 7 shots of anything and an epidural.

Listen, the more kids you have, the harder this is!

Just when I thought I had our outfits all figured out, I found myself in the middle of the boys clothing section in Walmart on picture day with a raging two year old. Picture this-  its 7am and he's pissed because due to a little thing called "daylight" we didn't see any Christmas lights on the way to Walmart this morning.

So I just start grabbing shirts.

I was only there to see if I could find something better than the gray sweater we were planning on my oldest son wearing, but never the less, $62 later of speed shopping we were done.

And spoiler alert: we ended up going with the original gray sweatshirt we already had and now I have to return half of the boys section I bought.

So I rush home. It's pouring rain. Perfect.

Not only do I have to finalize what we are wearing, but I also have to make sure everyone wakes up in a cheery mood, has a wholesome breakfast, and then I have to fix 6 people's hair. No big deal.

So we arrive at the studio, but the torture isn't over.

Family pictures are HARD.

I have to smile, while trying to get the kids to smile, while bright lights are flashing 2 feet from my face, and the temperature in the studio is 118 degrees. 

Please note: I'd rather have my fingernails ripped off one by one.

All joking aside, I'm just not a fan of indoor pictures, so we ordered one pose.

The kids did great, but the photographer let Ryker run the show and allowed him to hold a giant stuffed basketball in half of the shots.

And the shots of  Josh and I looked like I was in the middle of farting. My face was red from hysterically laughing because when she asked us to look loving in each others eyes while holing hands he whispered to me, "this picture is going on your casket."

So those precious shots were a solid no.

So..... yeah.

Now excuse me while I try and hang this picture up before my kids look nothing like it....