Monday, July 30, 2018


Ya'll it is no surprise that I love me some dollar stores.
And I'd be lying if I didn't admit that about a third of my wardrobe comes from various dollar stores.
I get clothes for CHEAP. 
I only shop when they are on sale (which is all the time) and I always score items for under $5, most of the time below $3.
A week ago I got Rilyn a bunch of athletic sets (shorts and tops) for camp for $3 each!
AND I love that I get coupons for every Saturday for $5 off, too!
Dollar General carries brands like Hanes and White Stag and that these items wear well, but don't forget Family Dollar, their clothes are my favorite.
Here is a look at some items we've bought at dollar stores and that we still wear today:
I picked up this dress last week for $3!  It was perfect for our vacation last week.

It also came in this floral print, too!

This cute floral top was also $3!

This ENTIRE outfit was $7! 

Ryker's baseball button up was on clearance for $3 AND it came with shorts, too!
My entire workout outfit- dollar store. I even got a sports bra that matches these pants too!

My  shirt- dollar store.
These workout pants AND Josh's! (Don't you dare tell him, though!!) LOL
This cute floral kimono-

And this one, too.
And my undershirt!
Ryker's cute baseball hat-

And his cute Mohawk hat-
I also picked up this t-shirt for Raigen on clearance for $1, it was perfect for me to make her a birthday shirt!
All of our scarves for our
Annual Falliday Scarf party came from a dollar store.

Rilyn's black and white striped dress-
Another entire workout outfit-

I'm always picking up blank t-shirts, too. I use my cricut to make my own shirts like this one:
Both of our jean dresses-
Rilyn's cute lace top-
Another workout outfit-
Ryker's cute plaid shirt-
Rilyn's cute tank-
Our matching mother and daughter shirt and dress- yes!!! Dollar Store!!!!

Ryker's outfit-

And his Paw Patrol Hat that matched his 2nd birthday-

Rilyn's dress and Ryker's shirt-
Again, her jean dress with #AltonBrown!!!!
I picked up these cute t-shirts ($5 ea) and used my cricut to make Rilyn and her best friend matching bestie shirts-

My leopard pocket shirt was also a blank shirt I picked up for $3 and  I added the leopard pocket with some scrap fabric I had-
Again- Rilyn's dress-
Apparently CJ is the only one in our family that doesn't sport dollar store clothes, haha!
Ya'll these are just SOME of our dollar store clothes.
So, the next time you run in to grab some batteries or a coke- swing by the clothing section and check it out!