Monday, April 11, 2011

Rilyn can read and Raigen can count!!

My super smart Rilyn is exactly 3 1/2 years old this month.  She knows all of her letters and numbers and she can even tell you what each letter sounds like and she even writes  her name. Ive heard alot of people talk about Bob books so I got on EBay and ordered her the 1st set.  Bob Books were developed as a step-by-step program to guide children gently through the early stages of reading. Each level addresses a stage in a child's reading development. This weekend she read the 1st book all by her self! I set with her  and pointed to each word and SHE sounded them all out and read the whole book! I couldn't believe my ears! I am so proud of my big girl! If she keeps this up she will be fluently reading before she is in pre-k.

Now Miss Raigen is 16 months old this month and she counts ALL the time. It is the cutest thing! She walks around the house and says..." one... two...FIVE!!" And this morning she even added  seven on the end.LOL

Help my babies are growing up too FAST!