Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spring Break- Family Fun Day- 2017

Rule #1 of Spring Break is I hate doing anything on Spring Break.

I hate the crowds and how everything triples in price just because its Spring Break. We spend the majority of our Spring Break staying up late and sleeping in! I do, however, like to set a side a day or two and enjoy some low-key family activities.

Tuesday we ventured to the Lufkin Zoo! The weather was peeeeeeeerfect and we got there early before the crowd! It was so nice! It was Ryker's first time to the zoo and he LOVED it!

We picked the Lufkin zoo because we knew it wouldn't be nearly as busy as the Houston zoo, and plus, we are going to the Houston zoo in 2 weeks for Raigen's field trip.

Side note: Did you know you can get a family membership at the Lufkin zoo for only $40 bucks! AND its excepted at the Houston zoo (and lots of other zoos, too!) that's $100 CHEAPER THAN IF YOU BOUGHT IT AT THE HOUSTON ZOO! (I am just a little excited about this! :)

On to picture overload:

Just look at these, we make cute kids. :)

This right here is the face of a kid who LOVED the zoo!

My biggest baby!

Well actually, here is my biggest baby! :)

Ryker pointed at EVERYTHING! And everything was a dog or a cat. This was one of the rare times he was actually right. :)

My middles. Loooooooove these two!


Yall! This right here is the SWEETEST big sister! She wanted to hold his hand and show him everything!!

The only family picture we got:

This sweet mama's girl wanted to walk with me and hold my hand at all times! So sweet!!!

Take #245 with a toddler. Yall, it is SO HARD to get any pictures of your kids when you have a walking toddler at the zoo!!! Cardio for the month = DONE!

We finally conned Ryker into sitting on Josh's shoulders.

Oh look! A Bald Eagle!

Oh look! Now its staring in to my soul....

The end.

We ended our zoo visit with a picnic at the park and it was so nice!

Next, we headed to see the Batman Lego movie, followed by Red Lobster for dinner!

It was a fun, relaxing, much needed low-key family day.

I sure do love these people.