Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Ya'll, today Josh turns 31. 

Let me go ahead and start at the beginning, when I first met Josh, even though the story as to how I met him isn’t all too exciting. I met him when we started working at the local movie theater together, The Fain. I didn't know him at the time but I immediately thought Josh was pretty much a stud muffin!

And apparently, he thought I was a pretty good lookin’ mamacita, too.

And just for fun, because I'm feeling generous; here is a funny/embarrassing story. (One of our wild stories from when Josh turned 18It literally brings us to to tears because we laugh so hard when we reminiscence about it. It was that one (and only) time we decided to rent an "adult movie" from the back room of the Move Gallery. 

There we were, movie in hand, it was sure to be a great night!

When we arrived home we said "hi" to his dad in passing and rushed up stairs before he asked which movie we rented, or even worse, asked watch it with us!
(This was right before we bought our house when we still lived with his parents.) 

Our victory was short lived though, because five minutes later Josh's little brother, Troy arrived upstairs with popcorn.

He said, "Dad wants to watch the movie, too, and asked if we could all watch it down stairs."


We were like, "um.... sure....."

We hurried and took the movie out of the case and replaced it with one we had bought from Walmart's dollar bin a few months earlier.


And to this day we still laugh just thinking back at his dad's reaction to the movie, his face in disgust, saying, "Oh gosh! That was the worst movie, EVER! I didn't think it would ever end!" -after he sat thru the WHOLE MOVIE!


And also, to this day, Josh and I have still not set down to watch "The Human Stain"... you know, that movie we once rented/bought/tricked his dad in to watching!

But time flies when you're having fun and before we knew it we were buying our own home (while I was still in high school), and then married. After high school I decided to become self employed and went into business selling insurance and just to spice sh-  up because clearly we didn’t have enough happening we decided to throw a pregnancy in the mix and a home renovation! That was the busiest two years, ever, ya'll!

And now here we are 11 years and 4 kids later and having more fun than ever!

Josh, I want you to know, over the years I have learned that you are far more than just a mean piece of eye-candy, you are awesome for so many reasons. There's a lot of things I could ramble on about you but I have decided to  highlight my favorite things about you in this post for 
the world to see my four blog readers to read, and I am hoping you actually read it too.

Here goes... 

I love that we are so much alike its crazy. Most people gush over how great of a couple we make … and the others have mistaken us for brother and sister. 

I love that you bring me toilet paper when we run out. To be honest, a lot of times I notice that we are out of toilet paper before I even sit down. However, I still sit down... because I know you will bring me a new roll regardless.

I love that you wear briefs and not man panties. Man panties freak me out. The word ‘panties’ also freaks me out. 

I love that you teach our kids all the in’s and outs of old school rap music. 

Thank-you for always putting air in my tires and gas in my car. I apologize for my negligence in both areas. You know it is only a coincidence that the gas light only comes on when you drive my car. 

I love how you pretend to understand my spending splurges—-and also for not hitting me over the head with a frying pan every time I go crazy on E-Bay/Amazon/Justice/the neighbors garage sale/Etsy/Ect. 

I love you because you give me 98.9% of the closet space. I want you to know I will work on downsizing my wardrobe here in the near future…..near future…as in, before the kids graduate... college.

Spoiler Alert: It definitely was not your killer guitar skills that hooked me. I am so thankful you decided to give up on learning guitar. I mean, I know you love Jewel and all, but there is only so much of her I can handle. 

I love how you are passionate about so many other things though, like: Reddit, remembering EVERY SINGLE WORD TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF EMINEM'S SONGS, telling us last nights never-ending dreams you have, dumb jokes, and seeing how many days in a row I will let you wear the same pair of shorts. Hey- its your passion that drives you to be the best you can be and that includes being the best daddy in the world. #yourekillingitboo

I love how have always been the first to volunteer to snuggle with the kids at nap-time, not because you have to, but because you want to . And plus, sleep is probably your most favorite thing in the world. #sorrykids

Lastly, thank you for being you. You work hard for our family, you put up with five lunatics each and every single day and still seem to love us all. We are grateful to have you  and we think you are handsome, manly, responsible, and most of all—-the greatest guy we all know. 

I want you to know, that because I don't do it enough, I plan to start regularly bragging to everyone about how lucky I am to have you. And while, like you, our kids are also super cute, extremely funny, and crazy smart, too. We all know they got it all from me and that those qualities are why you fell deeply in love with me. #yourewelcomekids

Happy Birthday my Stud Muffin.

Love, your mamacita.