Friday, April 12, 2019


1.  In case you didn't know, I'm super competitive.

I'm currently signed up as head coach for my daughters league ball team and we are UNDEFEATED! WOO HOO! I know there will come a day when another team is gonna knock me off my high horse but until then, I'm over hear screaming/singing, DJ KAHLE...... ALL I DO IS WIN, WIN, WIN NO MATTER WHAT...! Haha!

Side note: I may be signed up as head coach, but Josh has been 'coaching' LOL

I did draft the team myself though! :)

2. FUN FACT: I HATE  hoop earrings.  They are gross to me.

3. I just discovered Vampire Diaries and I AM ADDICTED. 

Ya'll remember last year when I finally jumped on the Sons of Anarchy train and binged it all on Netflix and then I secretly wanted Josh to grow his hair out, buy a motorcycle, and join a biker gang?#nobigdeal
Well, I'm not saying I want to be a vampire... but I want to be a vampire.

Also, is Elena ever going to fall in love with Damon? Cause if not, I need to quit watching like, now. #teamdamon

4. I ditched the Fitbit and joined #teamapple! Finally.
5. I've been wanting to spruce up my boring pantry doors and I ran across this AWESOME vinyl. It has the look and feel of real wood, super cheap, and is easily removed if I ever change my mind!
I'm obsessed!
6. In other very important news- It was my birthday!

7. For my birthday my sweet husband bought us tickets to see Francis and Lisa Chan (along with some other great speakers!) He knows I'm a huge fan of them. We've done bible studies of two of the speakers so it will be neat to see them live!
8. That would be my husband on our roof.
Tree limb-1
 9. Just for fun- a picture of Josh and his grandma now and a flashback to 1987!
Same blanket in the background.

10. And while we are re-creating pictures and such we stumbled across this old photo of Josh when he was about Ryker's age.

And, nope. They don't resemble near as much as I thought they would.

 I thought I would be so trendy and order some over-sized nerd glasses in hopes Id look like this:

Instead I looked like this:

Um. Yeah. Not cute.
12. Speaking of cute!
Look at this T-ball cutie!!!!!!!!!

13. And my favorite 3rd grader surprised me and came out of her room in the same pajamas I was wearing!
I hope she still thinks this is cool in 20 years!
14. And because needing roof repairs isn't enough. We had major leaking going on in the kids bathroom and had to rip everything out!

15. Recently big sis has expressed interest in softball! #saywhat

We didn't see that one coming! She has been practicing and doing SO good!

And that about sums up what been currently going on in the Long house!