Monday, February 12, 2018

Hangry Roxie Update #7

After falling off the wagon during the holidays, I have spent the better part of January starving myself of sugar and carbs and only losing a few pounds here and there.

On January 28th I gave myself a real goal. I want to lose 20lbs by my birthday, which is March 28th. That will put me at loosing a little over 40lbs, which sounds much better than the 24 that I have currently lost.

Now, with the new strict diet I am doing PAIRED with the gym I really believe it is possible.
(Or at least it should be!)

Like I previously stated, I haven't seen the results I want so this week I am starting the Military Diet.

It says you should shed about ten pounds in 3 days, and I am curious to see if it actually works and if so I plan on repeating it about ever other week. I have read a lot of testimonials and seen quite a bit of people do this and lose some major weight.

Day1: Strangely, I haven't been super hungry, but I have had a massive headache all day.

I am curious to see how I feel tomorrow, though and if I have shed any weight!

Stay tuned!