Thursday, March 14, 2019

Spring Break {2019} Family Fun Day!

Here in the Long House, we don't take trips on Spring Break.
I just really don't care for big crowds or the fact that prices triple just for this week.
We do always do a family fun day!
This year we ventured to Old McDonalds Farm! It was Ryker's first visit and my big kids haven't been in years, so it was fun for the whole family. I can truly say we all enjoyed it!



Ryker kept asking to go see the pinguins. I was like, "dude, we are at the FARM. There aren't pinguins here!"
And he was like, "look! I see their house!"


Im pretty sure they were exceeding some kind of weight limit on that last  train car:

I just love this goofy bunch!

After the farm we stopped at Starbucks, because, well...  #preteeninthecar.

Here I am pictured with Josh's drink.
You see- Josh likes to make fun because I love coffee but im just not a fan of Starbucks.
As soon as we pulled in he said, "this is what REAL coffee is suppose to taste like. Not that foo foo stuff you drink!"
Also Josh-"hi, can I order a Cloud Carmel Macchiato Venti, please?"

Next we headed to our favorite movie spot with the most amazing recliners! But first lunch! We only had about 25 minutes to spare so we dined at Kroger!

Turns out only Josh and Raigen really wanted to see a movie so it was a Daddy-Daughter Movie Date! And the rest of us SHOPPED! 

We ended a perfect day at our favorite place- the ball park.
And Rilyn tried catching for the first time! I am still so, so proud of her! She did AMAZING!