Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mickey's Magic Show!

Today Leanna and I took Rilyn, Lane, Laci, and her neice Jami to see Mickey's Magic Show.
She won 6 free tickets off of the radio and the seats were awesome! They were floor level, we could smell Mickey and
Rilyn LOVED the show and she couldn't of seen it at a better time. Since Christmas she has watched her Beauty and the Beast movie a million times, we all know how obsessed she is with Cinderella and she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Well, guess who was also in Mickey's show... Bell, Cinderella, and a bunch of other princesses.
Needless to say the show received 5 stars from Rilyn. :)

Rilyn and Lane!

Lane, Laci, and Rilyn!

This was her face when Bell came out!

And Cinderella!

Me and my big girl~