Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another pageant!

This was her casual wear outfit me and my mom made... so cute, huh?!

By the time we were taking crowning pictures, she was ready for her nap!!

Rilyn competed in another pageant this weekend in Houston, TX. She placed 1sr alternate up out of like 16 girls. She did sooo... good! She danced on stage, waved, blew kisses!! she did the best ever! I'm bummed that she didn't get first place though! The girl who won in Rilyn's age group was a baby! She didn't even walk on stage! I guess you just never really know how these judges are going to score or what their looking for.... Here is some pictures, enjoy!! Oh, she did get a crown and sash for winning first alternate, She also won most honorable mention, so she got a trophy for that! I'm so proud of this little beauty queen!