Thursday, July 30, 2009

Whatever you do, don't BBQ on a Wednesday night!

So yesterday Josh decides at 4 that he wants to BBQ ribs on the grill and he invited his parents over. He calls me at 4 and tells me this by the way, oh and that everyone will be to our house at 5. So I left work and rushed to walmart to get the stuff for Bobby Flay to cook. Anyway, i thought...I'll call my mom and see if they want to come over too. So... I called my mom and she said she had already cooked dinner. Well I bought all I needed and on my way home from walmart my mom calls and said that her and my Dad decided that they were coming over to eat... weird, because she had already cooked , huh?... So about 20 minutes later my mom and dad show up..... immediately my moms says.."Are you pregnant?...." And good thing that I'm a quick thinker, I said "NO! Why?" and i immediately gasp, not because I was shocked by what she said , but because I was trying to make myself look skinnier. I thought... do I look THAT pregnant?.......Apparently she had thought that's why we were barbecuing on a Wednesday night....and even though she had cooked she didn't want to miss the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. So that spawned a whole discussion with Robin on how we need to have another kid! And my Dad even jumped in too and said he will give me the $500.00 for my insurance deductible. We played everything off beautifully by the way! I'm sure they have no idea and I explained to her that we were having a BBQ because josh got a wild hair up his butt to have one... apparently he saw some kind of cooking show??.. Which made him want to BBQ. LOL...I kept my self composed even though I felt like I wanted to kill Josh having this BBQ ! I think the hardest part was keeping the smile off of my face for the remainder of the night, so nothing was given away. Boy are they going to be mad when we tell 'em! :)

How we have still managed to keep this a secret, I have no idea!