Monday, July 20, 2009

If I had $1...

for every time someone mentioned us having another baby... I'd be rich! This is really freaking me out. Why is this the talk of everyone?!... Is everyone just playing a joke on us... do they really know?.. I mean just this weekend ... Rachel asked when are we having another one.... I was thinking... 'oh ... around Christmas time.. hehe' but instead I said... 'When Rilyn starts school.' lol...I think she totally bought it because then she stopped by our house and was telling me of a resale shop in the woodlands that I could take all my old baby stuff and they buy it from you! I just BTW~ i am starting to show! OMG... BUT I'm thinking I can hide it for now.. with looser shirts and stuff. I cant even where my blue jeans anymore... :( But I'm not gaining weight so that's good... that means its all baby. And for now, if people do start to notice... Ithink they'd just think I was gaining weight. We have 2 flippin' long weeks to go! ...sigh.... I hoping it will go by fast though. This weekend is Josh's fishing trip on the house boat and rilyn has a pageant this weekend in Houston ... so that should keep my mind off of it for this weekend. I'll keep you updated with pictures of my Lil supa star. lol...
work time!