Monday, May 13, 2019


This is the last week of school.
I know no one can be as excited as teachers BUT I'm pretty darn excited!
This mama is ready to let the kids sleep in and have a much needed break from school activities!
What I'm NOT ready for is for these kids to graze little cattle all day!
Does anyone else's grocery bill double during the Summer time?
Here is what we are having this week!
Sub Sandwiches!
I'll literally sit all the ingredients on the counter and everyone can pick their meat and cheese and toppings and make whatever they want-Subway style!
We have some dips that I bought this weekend that we need to eat so I will serve the sandwhiches with various chips and dips! It doesn't get easier than that! I love to start my week with an easy supper! We haven't done this in a while and its a favorite of the kids!
We have our last T-ball game tonight so its perfect!
We have a softball game so we are having something super easy this night, too. I'll pair this with a homemade pasta salad. The pasta salad will consist of pasta, cheese, our favorite veggies and Olive Garden dressing! YUM!
We are eating out!
We have softball practice and church so we are calling in the help of a local fast food chain.. haha!
Grilled Steaks and Cauliflower casserole!
My kids don't like cauliflower so  I'll make them some mac-n-cheese. I'll serve this with a salad and some sort of bread.
I mean, Fri-yay! :)
I'm the little text emoji with both of her hands up, because no clue! :)
I don't cook on Fridays so its our leftover/find whatever you want night.
Josh and I will actually be in Dallas for the weekend on a special trip (kid free!) he got me for my birthday! Woo hoo! So I will actually probably order pizza and have it delivered for the kids and my parents! I can't wait to spend some time with just my guy!
Have a great week, y'all!
I'll be working on t-ball goodie bags, teacher gifts, and last day of school shirts!