Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Shoe Shopping

This weekend Rilyn and I stopped by Payless to look at her some more school shoes.

"What kind of shoes do you want?" I asked her.

She promptly requested heels.

What makes matters worse is Rilyn (who is eight) has realized she can wear a size five in women's 
Just greeeeat.

I'll buy you anything in this section," I told her, gesturing to the kids' shoe section at Payless.

Rilyn gasped, "I want heels."


"Mom, pleeeeeease." she begged, holding up a pair of ladies two inch black stiletto heels. Size five.

I struggled to form a mental picture of the heels she was holding that didn't include a pole........ 
and a dancer.

I held up a pair of generic tom-like shoes. "What about these?" I asked. "I am not getting you heels."

"But I can wear them with all my fancy outfits and... and  to church!" she exclaimed. 

"Yeah, to church! I promise! Every Sunday! Even if they hurt my feel, I will still wear them!"

 Apparently my kids think that if they throw the word "church" in, that it's an automatic yes.

This time it was the complete opposite.

I was checking out when I noticed she was gone. I quickly scanned the store and spotted her on the floor holding her ankle.

She fell.

Due to the two inch black stiletto heels she was wearing.