Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday Favoritesssssss!

 Today I'm joining Erika, Andrea, and Narci to share my FIVE Friday Favorites! 

Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole

I told you last week that I have been venturing out and trying new recipes and this week I'm still at it! Ya'll! Where has Chicken Cordon Bleu been all my life?! And why have I never made this? Its SO easy! I'll definitely be sharing that recipe soon!

Nail salon time!
I don't want to freak you out and tell you when the last time I visited a nail salon was, but its been a minute! This week I squeezed in some time with one of my BF's and it was definitely a fave! Don't mind my no eye makeup self- I just got my lash extensions put back on!


My kids LOVE all things VBS and this week they have been visiting another church's program. They were SO nervous when I told them I signed them up, they have only been to our church's VBS. The nerves were gone after day one and they are having a blast!!! Especially since most of their friends are there, too!


THIS dinner was definitely a favorite!Our family LOVES some lobster tail! What makes this dinner even more of a favorite is Josh grocery shopped and cooked it and I DIDNT HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER!
Can we just rewind and live this day over, please!?


THIS song!

I LOOOOOOVE THIS SONG! I think its my favorite of all time!

Happy Friday, ya'll!