Thursday, June 22, 2017

Problems with plus- size clothing...

"What's up with women's clothes these days?" I asked myself that yesterday in the women's dressing room at Catos, aloud. 

In an effort to find answers I did what any normal person would do, I took pictures and asked my co-workers. 

They didn't have a good answer for why the shirt didn't have a waist.

Or why it showed my mid-drift. 

Or why one arm hole was a size medium and the other was clearly a 2X. 

Whatever is going on, it wasn't flattering. At least not on me", I told them. And they agreed. 

Maybe you just don't know how to wear the
shirt my friend suggested.

 I can't say that I didn't try I explained. There was a mannequin that was wearing the exact same shirt that I brought into the dressing room and tried it on and I mean, it looked super cute on her.

Immediately, I felt like I was on an episode of Punk'd. There I was with one arm sliding right into the sleeve and the other was stuck midway's and starting to go numb. I wanted to walk so badly out of the dressing room and show the employees what the f was going on. 

But I couldn't. 

Nevermind the fact that I was losing blood flow to my right side, but the shirt didn't even cover my belly button! #notkidding 

Clearly someone at the Catos Clothing Factory needed to lose their job. 

And if that wasn't embarrassing enough, this morning Raigen caught me standing topless superhero style in the mirror in attempt to compare the fat on my arms. 

" Mom...", she whispered, "why are you trying to see your muscles?"

"And why are you naked?"

Before today, I used to pretend that I was an average fat girl, meaning not too tall, not too short... I thought my fat was proportioned. Keyword: "thought."

Clearly my whole life has been a lie.

 PS how do you put just your right arm on a diet?