Sunday, June 4, 2017

The EASIEST chicken parmesan recipe, ever!

Ya'll, this recipe is SO GOOD, I even fooled my husband! He said it was the best chicken parmesan he's ever had and I giggled and told him how I made it!

I enjoy coming up with new recipes and I especially love saving time and money, who doesn't??
I love cooking for my family and I love a good cheat recipe! I'm like the queen of semi-homemade cooking!

When I say this recipe is easy.... I am not kidding. Like, it takes 5 ingredients and less then 30 minutes, easy!!!

I was skeptical... and nervous when I decided to try this, I mean, it sounded good (sorta)
but let me tell you the real validation was when served it to Josh and the kids! He got THIRDS and the kids asked for SECONDS! #MOMWIN!

I hope you go out on a limb and give this recipe a try, its one of our favorites now!

The EASIEST chicken parmesan recipe, ever!

Tyson frozen (fully cooked, breaded) chicken tenders
2 cups Italian blend (or mozzarella) cheese
1 jar of your favorite afredo sauce
1 jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce
spaghetti noodles

Cook the Tyson chickens tenders according to the package (in the oven) and set aside.
Cook your noodles according to the package, drain, and add back to the pot and mix in your alfredo sauce and spaghetti sauce!

After that warms pour it in a greased pan and place your chicken strips on top, and then cheese! Lots of cheese! Bake it at 350 for 15-20 minutes until the cheese is melted and its done!

Now, I didn't get a finished picture because we literally devoured it, but take my word for it, it was legit!

Next time I plan on using this recipe and making chicken parm-sliders! Cant wait!